Amazon hub Locker in Savannah GA, United States

There are 4 Amazon Hub Lockers located in Savannah City GA, United States. All these Amazon-authorized self-service kiosks in the Savannah region are listed here with their address, opening hours, customer service numbers, and Google map directions.

Locate Amazon Hub Lockers in Savannah City

If you are very sensitive about revealing your address online during shopping, then use this map to find your closest pickup location for the delivery of packages. Find the Address, Opening Hours, and driving directions. Zip Code covered here 31401

Amazon Locker –  Debary
Address: 210 W Oglethorepe Ave at SCAD Savannah,
GA 31401, United States Open 24 hrs

+1 877-346-6244

Amazon Locker –   Tita
Address: 4315 Ogeechee Rd at 1750,Savannah
GA 31405, United States +1 877-346-6244

Timing :

Friday24 hrs
Saturday24 hrs
Sunday24 hrs
Monday24 hrs
Tuesday24 hrs
Wednesday24 hrs
Thursday24 hrs

Amazon Locker -Artola

1 W Victory Dr at SCAD Savannah

GA 31405, United States
Open 24 Hrs

Amazon Locker -Pizza

at Student Dormitory 201 W Victory Dr, Savannah , GA 31405 , United States


Friday24 hrs
Saturday24 hrs
Sunday24 hrs
Monday24 hrs
Tuesday24 hrs
Wednesday24 hrs
Thursday24 hrs
+1 877-346-6244

For more information and updates visit-

Note: Shopper now there is no need to worry about the privacy and safety of e-commerce package deliverie in Savannah as these hub lockers are fully controlled by Amazon. So shop now and take advantage of this service.

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