Neighbors Credit Union Branches in Missouri, US

Looking for a Neighbors CU branch in Missouri? There are nine Neighbors Credit Union branches in Missouri, which are listed here with their address, routing number, customer service numbers, Google map directions, lobby hours, and drive-thru hours.

Neighbors Credit Union is a not-for-profit, full service financial institution open to the communities of St. Louis City (MO), St. Louis County (MO), St. Charles County (MO), Jefferson County (MO), St. Clair County (IL), Madison County (IL) and Monroe County (IL).

Neighbors Credit Union Locations in Missouri


AddressNeighbors CU, 612 Gravois Rd, Fenton, MO 63026
Customer Service Number6363058010
DirectionsGet Location
Lobby HoursMon: 9 – 5
Tue: 9 – 5
Wed: 10 -5
Thu: 9 -5
Fri: 9 -6
Sat: 9 -1
Sun: Closed
Drive-Thru HoursMon to Sat: 9-7
Sun: Closed


AddresNeighbors CU, 8935 Jennings Station Rd, Jennings, MO 63136
Customer Service Number3148672226
DirectionsGet Location
Lobby HoursMon: 9 -5
Tue: 9 -5
Wed: 10 -5
Thu: 9 -5
Fri: 9 -6
Sat: 9 -1
Sun: Closed
Drive-Thru HoursMon to Fri: 9 -6
Sat: 9 -1
Sun: Closed


AddressNeighbors CU, 11899 New Halls Ferry Rd, Florissant, MO 63033
Customer Service Number3148384666
DirectionsGet Location
Lobby HoursMon: 9 -5
Tue: 9 -5
Wed: 10 -5
Thu: 9 -5
Fri: 9 -6
Sat: 9 -1
Sun: Closed
Drive-Thru HoursMon to Sat: 9 -7
Sun: Closed

St. Louis

AddressNeighbors CU – Downtown Branch,1720 Market St,St. Louis, MO 63166
Customer Service Number3142311549
DirectionsGet Location
Lobby HoursMon: 9 -5
Tue: 9 -5
Wed: 10 -5
Thu: 9 -5
Fri: 9 -6
Sat: 9 -1
Sun: Closed
Drive-Thru Hours-NA-
AddressNeighbors CU – South County Branch, 6300 S Lindbergh Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63123
Customer Service Number3148925400
DirectionsGet Location
Lobby HoursMon: 9 -5
Tue: 9 -5
Wed: 10 -5
Thu: 9 -5
Fri: 9 -6
Sat: 9 -1
Sun: Closed
Drive-Thru HoursMon to Sat: 9 AM-7 PM
Sun: Closed


AddressNeighbors CU – Howdershell Branch, 355 Howdershell Rd., Florissant, MO 63031
Customer Service Number3148373279
DirectionsGet Location
Lobby HoursMon: 9 AM-5 PM
Tue: 9 AM-5 PM
Wed: 10 AM-5 PM
Thu: 9 AM-5 PM
Fri: 9 AM-6 PM
Sat: 9 AM-1 PM
Sun: Closed
Drive-Thru HoursMon to Sat: 9 AM-7 PM
Sun: Closed


AddressNeighbors CU, 14422 Manchester Rd, Manchester, MO 63011
Customer Service Number3148925400
DirectionsGet Location
Lobby HoursMon: 9 -5
Tue: 9 -5
Wed: 10 -5
Thu: 9 -5
Fri: 9 -6
Sat: 9 -1
Sun: Closed
Drive-Thru HoursMon to Sat: 9 AM-7 PM
Sun: Closed


AddressNeighbors CU, 15928 Manchester Rd, Ellisville, MO 63011
Customer Service Number3148925400
DirectionsGet Location
Lobby HoursMon: 9 -5
Tue: 9 -5
Wed: 10 -5
Thu: 9 -5
Fri: 9 -6
Sat: 9 -1
Sun: Closed
Drive-Thru HoursMon to Sat: 9 AM-7 PM
Sun: Closed

St. Peters

AddressNeighbors CU, 4745 Mexico Rd,St. Peters, MO 63376
Customer Service Number6369399843
DirectionsGet Location
Lobby HoursMon: 9 -5
Tue: 9 -5
Wed: 10 -5
Thu: 9 -5
Fri: 9 -6
Sat: 9 -1
Sun: Closed
Drive-Thru HoursMon to Sat: 9 AM-7 PM
Sun: Closed

Important Contact Numbers

Activate debit card1-800-456-6870
Report lost or stolen debit card1-800-991-4965
Activate credit card1-800-456-6870
Report lost or stolen credit card1-866-839-3485
Visa Customer Service1-866-317-0355
Email support[email protected]

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